
Jenson (Adobe). Robert Slimbach, 1996. Adobe. Humanist Serif. Display, Subheads, & Caption Variants.

Adobe Jenson is an old-style serif typeface drawn for Adobe Systems by its chief type designer Robert Slimbach. Its Roman styles are based on a text face cut by Nicolas Jenson in Venice around 1470, and its italics are based on those created by Ludovico Vicentino degli Arrighi fifty years later.

Jenson is an organic design, with a low x-height. It is considered a highly readable typeface and is accordingly often used in book design for body text.
Adobe Jenson was first released in 1996 as a multiple master font.[1] It was created using sophisticated interpolation or multiple-master technology, to create a range of weights and optical sizes suitable for different text sizes.[2]
This partial automation of font creation was intended to allow a
gradual trend in styles from solid, chunky designs for caption-size
small print to more graceful and slender designs for headings.[3][a] It is now sold in the standard OpenType font format under the name Adobe Jenson Pro.[6]

Jenson’s type used an ‘M’ with two-way top serifs and a ‘Q’ with a
curled tail, both now not commonly seen; the default characters are more
contemporary forms but both were included as alternate characters.[7]

Author: Pedro Amado

Professor Auxiliar na Faculdade de Belas Artes Universidade do Porto a lecionar Design de Tipos de letra digitais (Variable Fonts), Tipografia, Introdução à programação em Web Design II (Javascript) e Creative Coding em Laboratório de Som e Imagem (Processing). Investigador integrado no i2ADS na intersecção da Arte, Design e Tecnologia.

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